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The pilgrims - Os romeiros

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The pilgrims – Os romeiros


July 2022


The wilderness of the state of Ceara in Brazil / Sertão do Ceara no Brasil


Record the moment of piety / Registrar o momento de piedade

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It is a Catholic movement founded in Schönstatt, Germany, in 1914, by Father Joseph Kentenich. It is the global center and origin of the Movement, which aims to renew people's religious and moral beliefs through education.

In a semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, located in the wilderness of the state of Ceara, every year in July a special religious pilgrimage takes place.

Are pilgrimages of devotees that are a Portuguese tradition, with the purpose of fulfilling a vow, a promise, giving thanks or asking for a grace. In this region with few inhabitants, pilgrims come on foot at night from various places to the place of devotion called the Sanctuary of the Queen Mother.

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